Last Updated: Jul 26 2024 4:38PM


Players Pool League - Calgary AB

If you have access to Online Banking, Weekly and Registration Fees can now be paid by e-mail to '' through the INTERAC eTransfer service. Quick and easy.

1. Weekly Fee

Division Player Fee Players-Games Team Fee
(A) Advanced - 8 Week  20.00 5 – 25 100.00
(I) Intermix - 12 - 14 Week 15.00 4 - 16 60.00
(L) Ladies - 14 Week 20.00 4 – 16 80.00

These Weekly Fees are due the week following each match.

The above weekly Fees do not include Table Fees.

To be fair to all the other Teams and to protect the Prize Fund Payouts, the full Weekly Fees are due for the full schedule even if you are short a Player for a Match, a Match is forfeited or a 'Make Up Match' is not played.

The total Weekly Fees paid to date, including any outstanding Fees, will be shown in the weekly Team Standings Report.

Teams can now view their Team Fees log to see exactly what the League has recorded as their Fees Paid To Date.

Go to 'Play - Statistics' and ask for the 'Player/Team Statistics' Report. Place the cursor over the 'Fees Paid To Date' amount for your Team and click on it. A new page will open up asking for the last 4 digits of your Captain's phone number.

The Team Fees log for your Team will then open up showing you all the detail so that you can review yourself for any discrepancies.

2. Player Registration Fee

For Intermix teams playing in a 12 - 14 match schedule, the Fee is $20.

For Ladies teams playing in a 14 match schedule, the Fee is $20.

For Advanced Teams playing a 16 match schedule, the Fee is $20.

There is no duplication. If you play on more than one Team, you only pay this Fee once.

The Fee is due upon the 2nd Match played by each Player in a new Session.

This Fee is waived for all Team Captains in recognition of the service they perform for their Team and the League.

For all Divisions, this includes the DUAL SANCTIONING FEES of both the CCS - Canadian Cue Sport Association and the ACS - American CueSports Alliance.

It also includes the TEAM KIT of Scoresheets and plastic Pouch.

All registered Players will have an 'R' appear beside their Name in the weekly Individual Player Statistics Report.

Only registered Players are eligible to play in any PPL PLayoff or CCS/ACS Championship.

3. League Administration

The above Weekly Fees include a provision for a League Administration Fee of $1.00 per player per game which covers:

  • Advertisements, Posters and General Promotion

  • Match Scheduling

  • Team and Individual Statistics weekly Updating and Reporting

  • Playoff Scheduling and Direction

  • Prize Fund Collection and Distribution

  • CCS/ACS Championship Team Entry

  • Awards Arrangements

  • Web Site Development and Updates

  • 4. Prize Fund Distribution

    4.1 The Prize Funds are paid out by cash, email transfer or Prize Fund cheque at the Playoffs.

    4.2 Known as the 'Buffer Fund', 6.7% of all Divisional Prize Funds are set aside:

  • To cover the cost of the 'Good Sportsmanship' Cash Prize.

  • To cover the cost of the $100 POY - Player of the Year' Keg Prizes.

  • As a Buffer for any Division, whose Prize Fund comes up short due to late Team drop outs or expulsions.

  • The balance, if any, is to be used to sponsor the Juniors Division.

  • 4.3 A minimum of 6.7% of Prize Funds, from all Teams is to be set aside for the following Awards:

    Team Playoffs.............................Each Playoff Goup 1,2,3.....................4 per Team
    Individual POY - Player of Year...Each Division, Each Ranking................1 each

    4.4 The balance of the Prize Fund monies is to be set aside for the Team Playoffs to be held after Schedule end. There is no Entry Fee and only PPL Teams with no outstanding Fees will be eligible. All payouts will be in the form of Paid CCS/ACS Team Entry Fees and/or Cash Trip Allowances and/or Cash Prizes.

    4.6 The Finals of all PPL Playoffs will be held at the Hidden Spot.

    5. Team Suspensions/Expulsions

    Any Team that forfeits Matches on two consecutive weeks or a total of three weeks during the League Schedule will be automatically suspended from further competition. Any Team may also be suspended or expelled by the Board of Governors for conduct or actions deemed harmful to the best interests of the League as a whole. This may include failure to turn in Weekly Fees.

    In this event, any and all Fees paid to date and any rights to Prizes shall be forfeited in their entirety to the League. If the suspension occurs after the mid point of the League Schedule, the Prize Fund component of the Weekly Fees less any outstanding amounts, is to be returned to the active Teams at the end of League Play in a form of Sponsorship as decided by the League Operator.


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