Sep 13 2024 1:18PM

Newsletter - 1 League Messages

Hi Everyone:

1. Outstanding Score Sheets

  • They will be needed right after the matches finish on Wednesday because the Playoffs start for all 10 teams in the A Top Playoff Group the following night at the Hidden Spot.

    2. Outstanding Fees

  • All teams are reminded that all outstanding Fees must be paid to be eligible for the Playoffs.
  • Although transfers are much preferred, bring cash if needed to the Playoffs.

    3. Tournament Director

  • Due to my recent surgery, Gail Harms will be your TD once again for these Playoffs. Be nice.

    4. Team Fees Paid To Date log

  • To view yours, click on the amount showing for your team as Fees To Date Paid in the Team Standings Report.
  • The Access code is the last 4 digits of your Captain's phone number.

    Good Luck and Good Shooting to everyone!

    Ted at PPL Calgary

    PPL Intermix
    Spring Session 2023-24

    League Play - POY Winners

    A Ranked - $100 Keg Gift Certificate - Jeff Phythian - Plan B Wed
    B Ranked - $100 Keg Gift Certificate - Mike Bain - Collision Course Tues
    C Ranked - $100 Keg Gift Certificate - Doug Mavin - Chalk Em Tues

    League Play - Team Winners

    Tues - The highest finishing team - 10 x $50 = $500 - Collision Course
    Wed - The highest finishing team - 9 x $50 = $450 - Plan B or Pocket Predators - TBA

    1. Playoff Groups, Payouts and Schedule

  • The schedule has been set to minimize schedule conflicts from players playing on more than one team.
  • Every team makes the Playoffs. Player eligibility is 16 games equal to playing in at least 4 matches
  • Every team must have paid all outstanding Weekly Fees.
  • All Playoffs are Double Knockout.
  • Matches are Race to 13 without Handicaps for the A - Top Group and 25 Games on Total Points with Handicaps for the B - Bottom Group..
  • Use of your 'phantom' Team Spare is permitted if you are truly short.


    There will be 2 Playoff Groups based on Final Team Standings after 12 weeks of League Play.

    A Group - 9 top Teams in the combined Team Standings from Tues All and Wed All.

    B Group - next 10 Teams from Tues All and Wed All.

    VIC Trip

  • The VIC Trip is to the CCS 2024 Vancouver Island Championship. Dates and location TBA from CCS.
  • The Trips are 'use or lose', are valued at $1050 and consist of paid Team Entry Fee ($280), paid Registration Fee ($70), paid Green Fee ($200) and a cash Travel Allowance of $500.

    There will be 2 Team Trips awarded as follows: (1) A Group and (1) B Group


    A Group: Thurs June 20th 7PM to 11PM, Fri June 21 7PM to 9PM, Sun June 23 10AM - 7PM, Mon June 24 7PM to 11PM.

    First Match Times

    1 - Thurs 9PM vs W 8/9 Collision Course
    2 - Thurs 9PM vs W 7/10 Plan B
    3 - Thurs 6:30PM vs 6 Pocket Predators
    4 - Thurs 6:30PM vs 5 Nautical Disaster
    5 - Thurs 6:30PM vs 4 Chalk Em
    6 - Thurs 6:30PM vs 3 Blackfoot Badlands - No Show
    7 - Thurs 6:30PM vs 10 Poke N Hope
    8 - Thurs 6:30PM vs 9 Dark Matter
    9 - Thurs 6:30PM vs 8 Don't Doubt Us
    10 - Thurs 6:30PM vs 7 High I Cues


    1 - $1400 + VIC Team Trip ($1050) - TBA
    2 - $1000 - TBA
    3 - $750 - TBA
    4 - $550 - TBA
    5/6 - $350 - TBA
    5/6 - $350 - TBA
    7/8 - $200 - TBA
    7/8 - $200 - TBA
    9/10 - $100 - TBA

    B Group: Sat June 22 10AM to 8PM, Sun June 23 10AM to 7PM.

    First Match Time

    1 - Sat 1PM vs W 8/9 Chalk & Awe
    2 - Sat 1PM vs W 7/10 Lucky Thirteen
    3 - Sat 1PM vs W 6 Kick Sticks Jr
    4 - Sat 1PM vs 5 FTW
    5 - Sat 1PM vs 4 Gators Grinders
    6 - Sat 1PM vs 3 Bent Cue
    7 - Sat 10AM vs 10 Shoot Or Get Off The Pot
    8 - Sat 10AM vs 9 Rack N Roll
    9 - Sat 10AM vs 8 Lets Stoodis
    10 - Sat 10AM vs 7 No Problem


    1 - $1400 + VIC Team Trip ($1050) - TBA
    2 - $1000 - TBA
    3 - $750 - TBA
    4 - $550 - TBA
    5/6 - $350 - TBA
    5/6 - $350 - TBA
    7/8 - $200 - TBA
    7/8 - $200 - TBA
    9/10 - $100 - TBA
    9/10 - $100 - TBA

    2. Playoff Location

    The Playoffs will be at the Hidden Spot - 2323 -32nd Ave. NE.

    Dave Martin and Joanne Ashton - the owners there - has given us exclusive use of eight Diamond 7' bar box tables.

    All matches will be played on a minimum of 2 tables.

    The only charge will be table fees of $25.00 per team per match.

    Good Luck and Good Shooting to Everyone!


    Weekly In..................................$..22800...$20.00 x 5Players x 19Teams x 12Matches
    League Admin Fee......................$..(5700)...$1.00 x 25Games x 19Teams x 12Matches
    BOG Fee....................................$...(240)...BOG Chairman Weekly Fees No pay
    Captain Registrations...................$...(380)...$20 x 19 No pay



    Playoff Payouts...........................$....9900..A Group $4900, B Group $5000
    VIC Trips....................................$...2100...A Group (1), B Group (1) at $1050 each
    League 1st Place Payouts.............$.....950...See above. $50 x # of teams each night
    Runout Payouts..........................$.....550...$10 to $100 Amount depending on # and Player Rank
    Buffer Fund................................$...1528...6.7% of Weekly In (incl. POY Prizes $300)
    Awards......................................$...1425...$1.25 x 5Players x 19Teams x 12Matches



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